Baptism at FBC
Baptism is an important part of a believer’s journey as it’s a public declaration of your faith. It’s a celebration of being raised to life in Jesus our Savior. If God is calling you to make a public declaration of your faith, we ask that you attend a class that covers the beliefs and logistics of being baptized here at FBC.
Our next baptisms happen during services on Sunday, May 18. Classes happen on Sunday, May 4.
If you are interested, sign up below.
FAQs About Baptism
Why should you get baptized?
- Jesus was baptized and wants us to baptize others. In Matthew 3:16, we learn about the time when Jesus Himself was baptized before He started His ministry on earth. If the Son of God pursued baptism, so should we. Later, Jesus told us in Matthew 28:19-20 He wants us to spread His message of love. He told us to continue baptizing and being baptized.
- You’ve decided to follow Jesus and you want people to know. Making the decision to become a follower of Christ is the best decision you’ll ever make. When you make a life-changing decision like this, you want to tell everyone about the new hope you’ve found in Jesus! Our faith should be personal, but not private. Baptism is about going public with your faith.
- Baptism is a powerful symbol of what Jesus did for us. When we’re baptized, we’re reminded of what Jesus did for us. When we go down into the water, we’re reminded of Jesus’ death on the cross and His payment for our sins. But when we come out of the water, we’re reminded that three days later, Jesus rose from the dead! 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us that if we’re in Christ, we’re new creations. Baptism reminds us that the old is gone, and the new has come.
Getting baptized is important, but not because it saves you. The grace of God through faith in Jesus is what saves you. Getting baptized is all about telling the world about the change that’s already happened inside of you. If you’ve decided to get baptized, it’s time to celebrate! Invite your friends and family to join in the celebration with you.
Have more questions? Contact a pastor at info@4fbc.org.