When God calls us, we have a choice on how to respond. We can ignore it or move forward in faith. In this series, we take a close look at the life of Abraham who answers the call of God because he accepts and realizes the reality of there being only one true God.

Abraham and the Promise | October 24th, 2021

Nick Jones

This week, we begin our series on the life of Abraham in Genesis 12. In this chapter, we see the beginning of God’s redemptive plan for the entire world in the incredible promises God makes to Abraham.

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Returning to God after a Spiritual Failure | October 31st, 2021

Shawn Peterson

Abraham returned to faith after a spiritual failure in Genesis 12. When he is faced with discouraging obstacles, he has another choice to make. He chooses to trust God to keep His promises. We have amazing promises too, but we have to wait for them to be fulfilled.

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Decisions Build Upon Decisions | November 7th, 2021

Shawn Peterson

This week, as we look at Genesis 14, we will follow Abraham and Lot to see their wise and foolish decision-making. We can learn from them how to make wise decisions in our own lives.

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Righteous Belief | November 14th, 2021

Ben Graham

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Running Ahead of God | November 21st, 2021

Shawn Peterson

In Genesis 16, we see how Abram and Sarai deal with waiting by running ahead of God instead of turning to Him. Amazingly, we learn that even when people run away from God, He is on a personal rescue mission to find us.

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Abram Meets God Almighty | November 28th, 2021

Shawn Peterson

In Genesis 17, Abram meets with God Almighty. The all-powerful and all-benevolent Almighty God gives new life to something dead. This is why there is always hope for life.

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23 Years of Transformation | January 9th, 2022

Shawn Peterson

In Genesis 18, we examine God’s timing in Abraham’s story. God needed to develop Abraham and Sarah into the trusting, loving, quick-to-listen and slow-to-speak people that He needed to be the parents of His nation. One of God’s best tools for such character transformation is waiting.

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God the Righteous Judge | January 16th, 2022

Shawn Peterson

Genesis 19 talks about God being a righteous judge. But what we learn is that Jesus came to take the punishment that we, the wicked, deserve. Jesus came to break the cycle and brought the ultimate Restart.

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How to Deal with Repetitive Sin | January 23rd, 2022

Shawn Peterson

This week we dive into Genesis 20. This message gets to the heart of repetitive sin. Breaking the cycle begins with identifying our core idols: comfort, control, power, or approval. We must make the choice to trust God partially or completely.

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God is an Everlasting God | January 30th, 2022

Shawn Peterson

This week we look at Genesis 21. Abraham felt tired and weary as he waited for God to fulfill His promises. And now, seeing God’s partial fulfillment through the birth of Isaac, his hope and strength is renewed. Being an Everlasting God means that He keeps His promises and He wants us to cling to them tenaciously.

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Faith Test | February 6th, 2022

Ben Graham

In Genesis 22, we see that Abraham is being called to offer up the very promise that God fulfilled, Isaac. Abraham chooses to trust God and move forward in faith. God wants us to hold on to His promises with clenched fists and trust Him, even when it doesn’t make sense to us.

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Called to Live as Exiles | February 13th, 2022

Shawn Peterson

In Genesis 23, God is giving us a powerful lesson about the tension between living in this world and our calling to live as exiles. As an exile in this world, we’re not meant for the troubles of life to shape our character or unsettle us. We’re meant to live above the common entrapments of this life because this world isn’t our everything.

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How to Discover God’s Will | February 22nd, 2022

Shawn Peterson

In Genesis 24, we look at discerning God’s will for us. First, we seek God’s plan based upon His Word. Then, we take bold action while praying continuously. Finally, we humbly seek validation of the plan from others.

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The Story of Your Life | February 27th, 2022

Shawn Peterson

We conclude the series with Genesis 25. Abraham’s life tells the story of faith in a faithful God. By faith Abraham followed God’s calling, he looked beyond his circumstances, and he trusted God’s faithfulness. Just like Abraham, taking a step into the unknown is part of the story of our lives.

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